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It's Been a While

It's been a while since I've written anything, really... 

I've been gaming instead, and letting that use my hands and mind up enough that I didn't really think about it. There's something that I love about being able to turn my mind off in the middle of a game.  Just exist and do for a while and not have to feel or think. And, even then, I find that I have to create things, so I've been making my YouTube channel work. 

But I really miss my accounts of all my travels. We've been traveling a lot lately. 

Via my Obsidian notes on my packing lists, we hit eight different cities last year, and this year we've already been to nine with at least two more bigger trips before the end of the year, and possibly another, depending on how schedules go.

And I only have pictures in Google and some photo collections on Facebook to remember what it was like. And I'm pretty sure I hate that. I also hate NOT having an account of my real life again with all the bumps and problems along with all the other things, and to hell with the fact that everything I publish here and else where is public to the world... 

An interesting by-product of it all is that I'm super used to my MX Cherry Silver speed keys on my gaming keyboard, and my old Kinesis has a longer actuation length and a 5 gram higher actuation weight, so it feels like I have to work a LOT harder with my old split keyboard than I do with my new 75% one. Jet's working on printing a new split keyboard for himself, a minimalist one called the Urchin, and looking at it, I think it would drive me crazy, but I also haven't just written for a very very long time. 

And there are new low profile key switches that are even lower weight and lower actuation distance than the MX Cherry Silvers... and part of my mind really would like those, as my fingers/hands ache a lot more now than they used to when I use them. So I'm contemplating this Iris keyboard with just a few more keys, someone that's willing to do the soldering (I'm waaaay past finding it fun and interesting to solder every joint), and just buying the key switches I want and the keycaps I want or having Jet 3D print them for me in all the colors I could desire. Or maybe this one that can take MX switches, as I'm so used to my silver ones. It would pack easily for travel, would be easy to set up to work with our tablet, and with Google's Photos to keep all my photos for easy and quick linking in Blogger, it would be far easier now for me to blog about our trip than before.

There's a lot of emotional freight that goes with some of these trips.

I miss having those to come back to, especially the trips to South Dakota, as a continuance of all the building, rebuilding, and construction trips of the past. 

So... I'll state an intent to write again. We'll see how long it lives. 


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