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Showing posts from November, 2012

Going Home

I'd forgotten that going home is always a blend of getting back to where and whom I came from along with both the comfort and discomfort of being here. That it's that uncomfortable feeling of 'oh, that's where that phrasing came from' or 'that's why I have that attitude' all blended with the comfort of the familiar, the known, and all the memories that go with them.

Atomic Robo, Dangerous Hungers, and Francesco's

I slept in until 9 and just skipped breakfast in order to talk with Kelly for a while. I had no desire to pay for breakfast either. A cup of bad coffee and a cup of really excellent tea (Carl lent me his tea kettle, and I had my gaiwan and Flit's tea from Thursday. The Phoenix oolong proved to be astonishingly good) was plenty to get me into my really excellent Atomic Robo game with Morgan Ellis. Carl had recommended that particular game to me, and I was really really happy that I was able to get into it!