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Showing posts from August, 2015


Lots of changes... VBS was good, the small break was great, the last of the summer was full, and then yesterday Jet got his braces off for the last time (he'd had two sets of them, poor kid) and today he went to high school. Yeah. Yeah. I still remember when he went off to Kindergarten, as John says. *laughs* He's got the same smile, and a lot of the same personality, really. The backpack fits better, now. He didn't look back either time. Jet made his own lunch, scheduled himself, including getting to bed early so that he could handle the 6:00 awakening time to get in his bike to get to school by 7:30. He was all ready to make his own breakfast, but I think John helped out this morning. I got up just to see him off. I'm not a morning person, and Jet really didn't expect it of me, but... there's old expectations on my part about what I 'should' be doing. *laughs* Not that he has them. But we wished him well, and he took off on his bike and h

And it's live...

And the Slate article is now live . It amuses me that on Facebook, my friends had it all over my timeline even before I had gotten the note from my editor that it was up. I loved little film montage they got for it, too. It's cool, too, to get to meet some of the people that read it, too.