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Showing posts from August, 2024

A Week of Profound Changes

Jet came home from Nashville on Saturday morning. He left for his flight at 5am, and we picked him up at DIA at 8am, and so started a very dense five days.  On Saturday was the graduation of a dear friend of both Jet and myself. Jet met them during high school, I've really gotten to know them better in the last year, as they and I made more of an effort to see each other and really talk and listen to each other, as we're both involved in the restorative justice practices of the Longmont Community Justice Partnership. So it's a natural mix of people who like asking each other open questions and really listening to each other.  They're finishing at PhD, with some really rough spots with an advisor that has not been the most available for them. It gives me a lot of gratitude for Jet's advisor, who is nearly always available to him as he navigates his early years through his program in Bio-Medical Engineering.  Having several young researchers in my gaming group has ex

It's Been a While

It's been a while since I've written anything, really...  I've been gaming instead, and letting that use my hands and mind up enough that I didn't really think about it. There's something that I love about being able to turn my mind off in the middle of a game.  Just exist and do for a while and not have to feel or think. And, even then, I find that I have to create things, so I've been making my YouTube channel work.  But I really miss my accounts of all my travels. We've been traveling a lot lately.  Via my Obsidian notes on my packing lists, we hit eight different cities last year, and this year we've already been to nine with at least two more bigger trips before the end of the year, and possibly another, depending on how schedules go. And I only have pictures in Google and some photo collections on Facebook to remember what it was like. And I'm pretty sure I hate that. I also hate NOT having an account of my real life again with all the bumps a